Special Titles of Some Literary Persons

 Writers & Their Special Titles

Venerable Bade - Father of English Learning.

Alfred the Great - The Founder of English Prose.

Chaucer - Father of English poetry. 

John Wycliff - Father of English Prose.

Sir Thomas Wyatt - First sonneteer in English Literature. 

Edmund Spenser- The poet of poet.

William Shakespeare - Bard of Avon.

Ben Jonson - Comedy of Humours

John Donne - Poet of love/ Metaphysical Poet.

John Milton - Epic poet / The great master of verse.

John Dryden - Father of English Criticism. 

Alexander Pope - Mock Heroic Poet.

Henry Fielding  - Father of English Novel.

William Wordsworth - Poet of Nature, Lake Poet,Poet of Children. 

S T Coleridge - Poet of Supernaturalism,  Opium Eater.

Lord Byron - Rebel Poet.

P B Shelley- Revolutionary Poet, Poet of Hope & Regeneration. 

John Keats- Poet of Beauty. 

George Bernard Shaw - The greatest Modern Dramatists.

Sigmund Freud - A great Psychoanalyst. 

Jane Austen- Anti-romantic in romantic age.

Fracis Becon- Father of English Eassy

Lindley Murray- Father of English Grammar. 

Coleridge & Wordsworth - Father of Romanticism. 

Nicholas Udall- First English Comedy Writer. 

James Joyce- Father of English stream of conscious Novel. 

Edgar Allen Poe - Father of English Short Story. 

V. I. Lenin - Most Translated Author of the World. 

Thomas Kyd - Father of Revenge Tragedy. 

➡️Questions  & Suggestions 

1.Who is known as " The poet of nature " in English literature? 

 Answer: William Wordsworth 

2. Who translated the bible into English for the first time?  

Answer : John Wycliff

3. The first English Dictionary was compiled by -?

Answer : Dr. Samuel Johnson. 

4. Who is considered to be the father of English poem?

Answer : Geoffrey chaucer. 

5. Who is the most famous satirist in English literature? 

Answer : Jonathan swift. 

6. Who is called the poet of Beauty?  

Answer : John Keats 

7. Who was the famous mock-heroic poet in English literature? 

Answer : Alexander Pope. 

8. Who is considered to be Rebel Poet in English literature? 

Answer : Lord Byron. 

9. The greatest modern English dramatist?

Answer : G.B.Shaw

10. Who is the father of modern English literature? 

Answer : G.B.Shaw

11. Who is famous for his elegies? 

Answer: Thomas Gray.

12. Who is called the poet of poets?

Answer : Edmund Spenser

13. Who is the father of modern English poetry? 

Answer : Jeoffrey Chaucer.

14. Renaissance means?

Answer : The revival of learning. 

15. Who is called The father of English Novel? 

Answer: Henry Fielding 


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