Periods of English Literature, Name of the writers of different periods

🕰️ The Old English Period ( 450-1066) Or The Anglo- Saxon Period (āĻĒ্āĻ°াāĻšীāĻ¨ āĻ…āĻĨāĻŦা āĻ…্āĻ¯াংāĻ˛ো- āĻ¸্āĻ¯াāĻ•্āĻ¸āĻ¨ āĻ¯ুāĻ—) 

🕰️ The Middle English Period ( 1066-1500)

 a) Anglo - Norman Period ( 1066- 1340)

 1. Rpger Becon ( 1214- 1292)

 b) The age of Chaucer (1340- 1400)

 1. John Wyclif ( 1324-1384), the father of English prose. 

 2. Geoffrey Chaucer ( 1340- 1400), the father of English poetry. 

 3. William Langland ( 1332- 1386)

 4. John Gower ( 1325- 1408)

 5. Sir Thomas Malory ( 1405- 1471)

🕰️ The Renaissance Period ( 1500- 1660)

 a) Elizabethan Period (1558-1603)

 1. Thomas More (1478- 1535)

 2. Edmund Spenser ( 1552-1599)

 3. Nicholas Udall (1505- 1556)

 4. Norton and Sackville ( 1536- 1608)

 5. Thomas Kyd ( 1557-1594), a university wit.

 6. Sir Philip Sidney ( 1554- 1586), a university wit.

 7. Christopher Marlowe ( 1564- 1593)

 8. William Shakespeare ( 1564- 1593)

 9. Francis Becon (1561- 1626)

 10. Ben Jonson ( 1573-1637)

 11. John Lyly ( 1554- 1606)

 12. Robert Green (1558- 1592)

 13. George Peele (1558-1598)

 14. Thomas Nashe ( 1567- 1601)

 15. Beaumont ( 1584- 1616)

 b. Jacobean Age ( 1603- 1625)

 1. William Shakespeare ( 1564-1616)

 2. Ben Jonson ( 1573- 1637)

 3. Francis Bacon ( 1561- 1626)

 4. King James 1 ( 1566-1625)

 5. John Webster ( 1580- 1625)

 6. Cyril Tourneur ( 1575- 1626)

 7. John Donne ( 1572- 1631)

 8. George Herbert ( 1593- 1633)

 c. Caroline Age ( 1625- 1649)

 1. John Donne ( 1572- 1632)

 2. George Herbert ( 1593- 1633)

 3. John Milton ( 1608- 1674)

d. Commonwealth Period ( 1649- 1660)

 1. John Milton ( 1608- 1674)

 2. Thomas Hobbes ( 1588- 1679)

 3. Jeremy Taylor ( 1613- 1667)

 4. Henry Vaughan ( 1621- 1695)

 5. Marvell ( 1621- 1678)

 đŸ•°️The Neo- classical period ( 1660- 1785)

 a) The Restoration Period  ( 1660- 1700)

 1. John Milton (1608- 1700)

 2. Samuel Butler (1612- 1680)

 3. John Bunyan ( 1628- 1688)

 4. John Dryden ( 1631- 1700)

 5. William Congreve ( 1670- 1729)

 6. George Farquhar ( 1678- 1707)

 7. John Locke ( 1632- 1704)

b. The Augustan Age or The Age of Pope( 1700-1745)

1. Alexander Pope (1688-1745)

2. Jonathan Swift ( 1667- 1745)

3. Joseph Addison ( 1672- 1719)

4. Deniel Defoe ( 1660- 1731)

5. Samuel Richardson (1689-1761)

6. Henry Fielding ( 1707- 1754)

c. The Age of sensibility (1745- 1785)

1. Samuel Johnson (1709- 1784)

2. Samuel Richardson (1689-1785)

3. Oliver Goldsmith ( 1728- 1784)

4. Thomas Gray ( 1716- 1771)

5. William Blake ( 1757-1827)

6. Henry Fielding ( 1707-1754)

7. Edward Gibbon ( 1737- 1794)

8 Edmund Burke ( 1729- 1797)

🕰️The Romantic Period ( 1798- 1832)

1. William Wordsworth ( 1770- 1850)

2. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772- 1834)

3. Lord Byron ( 1788- 1834)

4. Percy Bysshe Shelley ( 1792- 1823)

5. John Keats ( 1795- 1821)

6. Jane Austen ( 1775- 1817)

7. Charles Lamb ( 1775- 1834)

8. William Hazlitt ( 1778- 1830)

🕰️ The Victorian Period ( 1832- 1901)

a. The Pre- Raphaelites ( 1848-1860)

1. Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892)

2. Robert Browning (1812- 1889)

3. Mathe Arnold ( 1822-1888)

4. Edward Fitzgerald ( 1809-1883)

5. Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

6. William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863)

7. Emily Bronte (1818- 1848)

8. George Eliot ( 1819-1880)

9. Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)

10. John Stuart Mill (1806- 1873)

11. Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-1859)

12. Charles Robert Darwin ( 1809-1882)

13. Karl Marx (1818-1883)

14. Cardinal Newman (1801-1890)

b. Aestheticism and Decadence (1880- 1901)

🕰️ The Modern Period (1901-1939)

a. The Edwardian Period (1901-1910)

1. Thomas Hardy ( 1840- 1928)

2. Henry James (1843-1916)

3. Joseph Conrad ( 1857- 1924)

4. George Robert Gissing (1857- 1936)

5. Rudyard kipling ( 1865- 1936)

6. George Bernard Shaw (1856- 1950)

7. John Millington Synge (1871- 1909)

8. Oscar Wide ( 1854- 1900)

9. William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)

10. John Masefield (1878- 1967)

11. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)

12. David Herbert Lawrence (1885-1930)

13. James Joyce ( 1882-1941)

14. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)

15. Edward Morgan Forster (1879-1970)

16. T.S Eliot (1888-1865)

17. Wystan Huge Auden (1907-1973)

18. William Somerset Maugham (1874- 1965)

19. Sigmund Freud (1856- 1939)

20. Dylan Marlais Thomas (1914-1953)

21. George Orwell (1903-1950)

22. Samuel Beckett ( 1906- 1989)

23. William Gerald Golding (1911- 1993)

b. The Georgian Period (1910- 1936)

🕰️ The Postmodern Period (1939- Present) 


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