Elizabethan Age 1558- 1603

 ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের ইতিহাসে Elizabethan Age একটি golden age এর সূচনা করে। Poetry and Drama is the greatest contribution in this era. তাই বলে প্রবন্ধ, সমালোচনামূলক সাহিত্যে এবং উপন্যাস এ যুগে কম রচিত হয়নি। বরং উপন্যাসের সূচনা হয় picaresque novel এর মাধ্যমে। কবিতায় যেমন Edmund Spenser এবং সেক্সপিয়ারকে ভুলব না তেমনি Tomas Kyd, Christopher Marlowe এবং Shakespeare রা এ যুগে নাটকের বিস্ফোরণ ঘটিয়েছেন। 

Important Information:

🦴 This age is named after Queen Elizabeth.

🦴 It is also called golden age.

🦴 This age is sometimes called ' a nest of singing bird'

🦴 Elizabethan Age is centered on Revenge .

🦴 Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Kyd, Nashe, Robert Greene, Thomas Lyly and Peele is called University Wits. University Wits were the witty students of Cambridge or Oxford.

🦴 John Donne, George Herbert, Vaughan, Andrew Marvell is called Metaphysical poets.

🦴 The first comedy Ralph Roister Doister of English literature.

🦴 The first tragedy is in English literature Gorboduc written by Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton.

Metaphysical Poem বা অধিবিদ্যাত্মক কবিতা 

Literally 'Meta' means ' beyond' and 'Physics' means physical nature. So Metaphysics means beyond physical nature. In this sense Metaphysical poetry is a type of poetry which deals with abstract or phylosophical subjects.

Metaphysical poetry is a term generally used to a group of 17th century poets cheifly John Donne, George Herbert, Vaughan, Andrew Marvell, Carew, Crashaw, Cleveland, and Cowly. John Dryden used the 'Metaphysical' first. He wrote Donne affect the word Metaphysics. His judgement was confirmed by Samuel Johnson.


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