Single Word for A Group of Words, Very Important for University, Bank & BCS Exams


Thermometer - An instrument measuring heat or cold.

Barometer - An instrument for measuring the pressure of air.

Anemometer - An instrument for measuring the force or variation. 

Microscope - An instrument for making small objects appear large.

Telescope - An instrument seeing distant objects. 

Periscope - An instrument for enabling the persons inside the submarine to see objects above the surface of the water.

Seismograph - An instrument for detecting earthquake. 

Metronome - An instrument for beating time during musical performance. 

Micrometer - An instrument for measuring minutes distance. 

Manometer - An instrument for measuring gases.

Litho scope- An instrument for distinguishing precious stones.

Gyro graph- An instrument for measuring revolution. 

Ammeter - An instrument for measuring electric current. 

Binoculars- An instrument for viewing distant objects. 

Udometer - An instrument for measuring rain.


Epidemic - A disease affecting many persons at the same time & place. 

Pandemic - A disease widely epidemic. 

Endemic - A disease confined to a particular district or a place. 

Sporadic - A disease widely scattered group of people. 

Antiseptic - A substance which destroys or weakens germs.

Cocaine - A substance used by a dentist to deaden the gum & nerve. 

Anesthetic - A medicine which produce insensibility. 

Cicatrix - The mark or scar left after the wound is healed.

Antidote - A medicine to counteract poison. 

Stethoscope - An instrument used by doctors for listening to the heart-beats.

Immune - Free or exempt from infection. 

Narcotic - A medicine for producing sleep.

Emetic - A medicine for causing vomiting. 

Quarantine - Confinement to one place to avoid spreading. 


Referendum - To decide the political question by the direct vote of the electorate. 

Regent - One who governs the kingdom during infancy., absence of the sovereign. 

Census - An official numbering of the population. 

Consort- The wife or husband of the king or queen.

Kakistocracy - Government by the wrost Citizens. 

Oligarchy - Government by a few.

Episcopacy - Government by the church by the bishops.

Interregnum - The period between two reigns.

Stratocracy - Government by a military class.

Autonomy - The right of self- Government. 

Despotism - Government by a sovereign with uncontrolled Authority. 

Democracy - Government of people of the people,  for the people and by the people. 

Aristocracy - Government by the nobility. 

Bureaucracy - Government by the departments of state.


Scavenger - One who clean the streets. 

Confectioner - One who sells sweets and pastries. 

Janitor - One who takes care of a Building. 

Teller- one who pays out money at a Bank. 

Usurer- One who lends money at an exorbitant rate.

Cartographer - One who draw maps.

Philatelist - One who collects stamps. 

Juggler - One who performs tricks by sleight of hands.

Cobblers - One who mends shoes.

Colporteur- One who travels from place to place selling religious articles. 

Peripatetic - A teacher who travels from place to place to give instructions. 

Curator - A person in charge of museum. 

Almoner - A hospital welfare officer.

Pawnbroker - One who lends money and keeps goods as security

Stevedore - One who loads and unloads ships.

Stenographer - One who writes shorthand. 

Lexicographer - One who complies a dictionary. 

Taxidermist - One who preserve the skin of the animals. 

Chandler + One who makes makes and sells candles. 

Bursar- The treasurer of a college or a university. 

Purser- An officer in charge of the stores and accounts on a ship.


Oculist - One who attends to the disease of the eye.

Optician - One who tests eyesight and spectacles.

Obstetrician - A women who assists women in child- birth. 

Drover- One who deals in cattle. 

Brazier- One who works in brass.

Plumber - One who works mending water pipes.

Jockey- A professional rider in horse races.

Ostler - One who looks after in an inn.

Astronomer - One who studies the stars.

Chauffeur - One who drives a motor- car.

Compositor- One who sets type for books.

Draughtsmen - One who draws plan. 

Aviator - One who flies in aero plane. 




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