Bank Solvency Certificate, Format of Bank Solvency Certificate

A bank Solvency certificate is generally used to  applying tender, Visa Interview, gaining contract & legal court matters. It is required by the government officials and commercial office to be sured and understood about financial position of individual or entities. 

Solvency Certificate for (Visa Interview) 

To Whom It May Concern 

This is to certified that Iqbal Ahmed, Son of Md Kolomdor Ali & Moriom Begum, Address: Vill: Borochak, PO: Rahmatpur, Police Station: Dokon District : Dhaka, is a valued client of our Bank. He has been maintaining a savings account bearing A/C No. 2090025373146 with us since December 14, 2016. The present balance of the account is BDT. 286537.74 which is equivalent to EUR. 2923.55( Exchange rate 01 EUR. = 98.01) as on September 19, 2022.

To the best knowledge & information Mr. Iqbal Ahmed is financially sound & solvent. We wish every success in his life. 


Authorized Officer

Solvency Certificate for (others works) 

To Whom It May Concern 

This is to certified that Iqbal Ahmed, Son of Md Kolomdor Ali & Moriom Begum, Address: Vill: Borochak, PO: Rahmatpur, Police Station: Dokon District : Dhaka, is a valued client of our Bank. He has been maintaining  a savings account bearing A/C No. 2090025373146 with us since December 14, 2016 & having balance of tk BDT. 286570.50 ( Two lac eighty six thousand five hundred seventy taka & Paisa Fifty) Only as on October 5, 2022. It is reported that he is financially sound & solvent. 

We wish every success in his life.


Authorised Officer


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