What is completing sentence? How do you write completing sentence, different rules of completing sentence

SSC and HSC Exam  ছাড়াও যে কোন ধরনের প্রতিযোগিতামূলক পরীক্ষার জন্য completing sentence বিষয়টি খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।  এ question এর শুধু উত্তর দিয়ে আসলে হবে না বরং প্রশ্ন তুলে তার সামনে উত্তর লিখে নিচে underline করে দেওয়া উচিত।   BCS, শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন, প্রাথমিক ও মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষক নিয়োগ ও ব্যাংক পরীক্ষায়ও এ বিষয়টি থেকে সবচেয়ে বেশি প্রশ্ন হয়।

What is completing sentence? 

A complete sentence must have a subject and a finite verb. A sentence with have main verb including ing will not be accepted a complete sentence. Even a sentence with its main verb in an infinitive form (to+verb)will not be a complete sentence. Example :

Karim writing. 

karim to write. 

The above sentences are not considered as a complete sentence. 

So, A sentence must have the following feature. 

Unity : A sentence should have only one thought. 

Priority : All the Idea or thought are not equal important. Hence, emphasis should be laid on a good idea. Here sentence has to follow a good structure. 

Example :

Bad Structure  : She is meritorious  though not intelligent. 

Good structure : Though not intelligent, She is  meritorious. 

Order : Order means art of arranging words,  Phrase, and Clause.

Completing Sentence 

➡️ Till, Until

Till means  (অর্থ) পর্যন্ত।  এর পরের বাক্য টি Affirmative / Negative উভয়টি হতে পারে। 

 Example :

1. Question : Read the book till -----------

Ans: Read the book till I come back

Ans: Read the book till I don’t come back

2. Question : Work hard till --------------

Ans: Work hard till you can shine in life.

Ans: Work hard till you can not shine in life.

 Until means (অর্থ) যতক্ষন না পর্যন্ত। এর পরের বাক্য টি শুধু Affirmative হয়।

Example : 

1.Question : Wait here -------

Ans: Wait here until I come back from the market. 

2. Question : We walked untill ------

Answer : We walked untill we reached the hospital. 

➡️ So that/ In order that ( যাতে), So ----that ( এতই --যে)

So that and In order that সাধারণত দুটি clause এর মাঝে বসে।

পূর্বের clause টি present Tense হলে পরের clause  এ subject +may/ can+ verb এর present form+ others 

পূর্বের clause টি past Tense হলে পরের clause  এ subject +might / could +verb এর present form + others. 

1. Question : He opened a Bank account so that ---------

Answer : He opened a Bank account so that he could save money.

2. Question : He went to America so that -----

Answer : He went to America so that he could attend the Conference.

3. Question; We work hard -------

Answer : we work hard so that we can prosper in life.

So ----that ( এতই --যে)

পূর্বের clause টি present Tense হলে পরের clause  এ subject +may/ can+ verb এর present form+ others 

পূর্বের clause টি past Tense হলে পরের clause  এ subject +might / could +verb এর present form + others. 

আবার subject + verb দিয়ে sentence করা যায়। 

So + adjective /adverb+ that + Subject + can/may /could /might + verb এর present form+ others 

Example : 

1. Question :  The weather was so cold that  ----

Answer: The weather was so cold that I could not go outside.

2. Question :He was so weak that -------

Answer : He was so weak that he could not walk.

➡️ No sooner had ----- than.

Scarcely had -----when

Hardly had ---- when  

এদের অর্থ ( যেই মাত্র --- অমনি)

 Structure : 

No sonner/ Scarcely / Hardly + had + Subject + Verb এর past participle + than/ when/ when+ subject + verb  এর  past form+ others. 

Example : 

Question : No sooner had I reached the station ----

Answer : No sooner had I reached  the station than the train left.

আমি যেই মাত্র স্টেশনে পৌছালাম, অমনি ট্রেনটি ছেড়ে চলে গেল।

Hardly had I left the room when it began to rain.

Scarcely had we reached the hospital when the patient died

➡️ As if/ As though (যেন) ( unreal truth)

Present Indefinite =Past Indefinite 

Past Indefinite = Past Perfect 

অথাৎ Sentence এর প্রথম অংশ present indefinite হলে পরের অংশ past indefinite 

Again, Sentence এর প্রথম অংশ past indefinite হলে পরের অংশ past perfect হয়।

Example :

Question : He speaks as if -----

Answer : He speaks as if he were a mad.

সে কথা বলে যেন সে একজন পাগল। এখানে সে একজন সত্যিকারের পাগল নয়, তার কথা বলার ধরনটি পাগলের মত।

এরূপ ব্যবহারকে unreal past/ unreal truth বলে।

Question : Asif proceeded as though-------

Answer: Asif proceeded as though  I had not spoken.

Question : She pretends as if ----

Answer : She pretends as if she knew everything.

▶️ Lest: 

Lest means (অর্থ)= শেষে আবার 

Least এর পূর্বে এবং পরে একটি complete sentence বসে।  এর পরের Sentence টিতে Subject + should + verb এর present form ব্যবহৃত হয়।

Example :

Question : Take your umbrella lest ----

Answer : Take your umbrella lest you should drench in the rain.

তোমার ছাতা নিয়ে যাও, শেষে আবার বৃষ্টিতে না ভিজ।

Question : walk fast lest -----

Answer : walk fast lest you should drench in the rain. 

Question : Read diligently lest ----

Answer : Read diligently lest you should fail in the examination.

➡️ Though /Although (  যদিও ---তবুও) 

Though /Although যদি কোন Sentence এর প্রথমে বসে তবে এদের পরে একটি পূর্ণাঙ্গ Clause ব্যবহৃত হয়। এ ক্ষেত্রে একটি sentence এর ভাব সম্পূর্ণ রূপে অপর টির বিরোধী হয়ে থাকে ।

Though /Although + 1st Sentence + বিরোধীভাব সম্পূর্ণ 1s Sentence এর (same tense)

Question : Though Bangladesh has limited natural resources --------,

Answer : Though Bangladesh has limited natural resources,  we can not utilise them properly. 

Question: Though The boy is very intelligent ----

Answer : Though The boy is very intelligent, sometimes he makes some mistakes.

Question : Though it is raining ------

Answer : Though it is raining, he left the place. 

Question : Though he is rich------

Answer: Though he is rich, he is unhappy. 

▶️ Since/ As (যেহেতু) 

Since/ As যখন যেহেতু অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়ে কোন clause শুরু হয় এ ক্ষেত্রে same tense এ আরেকটি clause প্রথম clause এর অর্থের সাথে মিল রেখে যোগ করে ফলাফল দিতে হয়।

Question : Since they played well------.

Answer: Since they played well, they won the match.

Question : As he was tired -----.

Answer: As he was tired, he could not attend the meeting. 

Question :Since Bangladesh is an agricultural country ----.

Answer : Since Bangladesh is an agricultural country,  our economy is agro-based.

Question : As the weather was very cold ----

Answer: As the weather was very cold, I could not attend the College. 


Complete the following Sentence :

a) He came to our house so that ------

b) Avoid mistakes lest -----

c) No sooner had I begun to write -----

d) He treated me as if ------

e) Though he studied hard, ------.

What is completing sentence? How do you write completing sentence




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