Narration/ Speech, Direct to Indirect Narration, Passage Narration for SSC and HSC EXAM

                    NARRATION/ SPEECH







Direct: Tanvir says, " I am a student"

Indirect: Tanvir says that he is a student.

 এখানে Tanvir says, Reporting Verb এবং ইনভার্টেট  কমার ভিতরে "I am a student" হচ্ছে Reported speech

Rule- 1: Direct Narration এর Reporting verb যদি present/ future হয় তাহলে Reported 
speech এর Tense এর পরির্বতন হয় না.

Direct: He says, " I am ill"
Indirect: He says that he is ill.

Rule-2: Direct Narration এর Reporting verb যদি Past Tense হয় তাহলে Reported speech এর Tense নিম্মলিখিত ভাবে পরিবর্তন হয় ।

Direct Speech


Present Indefinite (verb এর  base form),

Past Indefinite  (verb এর past form

Present Continuous( am,is,are + v+ing

Past Continuous (was, were + verb+ ing

Present perfect  (have, has + verb এর 3rd form)

Past perfect (had + verb 3rd form

Present perfect continuous Tense

Past perfect continuous Tense

Past Indefinite

Past perfect

Past Continuous

Past perfect Continuous

Direct: The teacher said, "I am well".
Indirect: The teacher said that he was well.
Direct: Tanvir said to Rasel, " I am going to Dhaka"
Indirect: Tanvir told Rasel that he was going to Dhaka.
Direct: Karim said to me, "I have finished the work "
Indirect: Karim told me that he had finished the work.
Direct: Tanny said, " I have been suffering from fever"
Indirect: Tanny said that she had been suffering from a fever.
Direct: He said, "I did it".
Indirect: He said that he had done it.
Direct: She said, "I was writing a poem."
Indirect: She said that She had been writing a poem.

Model verb : shall = should, can =could, may = might,will =would

কিন্তু চিরন্তন সত্য বা বাধ্যবাধকতা বুঝালে must এর কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না


Direct:  Father said to his son, " You must obey your teacher".
Indirect: Father told his son that he must obey his teacher.

Reported speech কোন universal truth(চিরন্তন সত্য) বা habitual fact (অভ্যাসগত কর্ম) প্রকাশ করলে- এর কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না।


Direct: He said to me, "Regular Exercise is good for health.
Indirect: He told me that regular exercise is good for my health.
Direct: He said, " The earth moves around the sun."
Indirect: He told that the earth moves around the sun.





1st Person







2nd Person




3rd Person


(যে কোন ব্যক্তি/বস্তুর নাম)














Note: Reporting speech এর subject 1st person হলে reporting verb এর subject দেখে  Reporting speech এর subject change করতে হয়।
 Reporting speech এর subject 2nd person হলে reporting verb এর object দেখে  Reporting speech এর subject change করতে হয়।
 Reporting speech এর subject 3rd person হলে reporting verb এর subject দেখে (Gender) অনুসারে Noun তাকে Reporting speech এর subject pronoun দিয়ে change করতে হয়।
(এভাবে object কে object দিয়ে , possessive কে possessive দিয়ে change করতে হবে।)

 নৈকট্য সূচক শব্দগুলো এ পরিবর্তীত হয়ে দূরত্ব সূচক শব্দে পরিণত হয়। 
















That day


The next day/the following week


The previous day

Last month

The previous month

Last night

The previous night

Next week

The following week



Ø  Indirect Narration করার সময় বিভিন্ন Sentence  এর Reporting Verb টি বিভিন্নভাবে পরিবর্তীত হয়।


Instead of an Inverted comma


Reporting Verb



Say to(present T)/ said to (past T)/ told


Wh question/ if/whether(tag question/ without other question?

Ask/ asked (according to tense)



Order/command/ advise/request/beg

Imperative with let


Proposed/suggested/ might/might be allowed to



Wish/wished, pray/prayed




Exclaim/exclaimed, wish/wished




Assertive Sentence: 

Structure: Subject + say/ said/ told + object (যদি থকে) + that + Reported Speech এর subject + Verb  বাকি অংশ।

Direct: Akash said to Kamal, " I shall come to you tomorrow."
Indirect: Akash said to Kamal that he would go to him the following day.
Direct: Thiha said, "I write a letter".
Indirect: Thiha said that she wrote a letter.
Direct: He said, "We are all sinners."
Indirect: He said that all of them were sinners.

Interrogative Sentence:
Reported speech যদি auxiliary verb, model verb or do, did, does দ্বারা আরম্ব হয়,  তাহলে Reported speech এর পূর্বে that না বসিয়ে if/whether বসাতে হয় এবং Sentence টি Interrogative এর পরিবর্তে Assertive হয়.

Direct: She asked me, " are you happy in your job?"
Indirect: She asked me if I was happy in my job.
Direct: He said to me, "Did you pass?"
Indirect: He asked me if/whether I had passed.
Direct: Tanvir said to me, "Are you ok?"
Indirect: Tanvir asked me if I was ok.
Reported speech যদি Interrogative Pronoun (Who, Whom, Whose, What, Which ইত্যাদি). or Interrogative Adverb (why, where, how, where ইত্যাদি) দ্বারা আরম্ভ হয়,  তাহলে Reported speech এর পূর্বে that না বসিয়ে ঐ শব্দ  বসাতে হয় এবং Sentence টি Interrogative এর পরিবর্তে Assertive হয়.

Direct: He said to me," How long will you stay here?
Indirect: He asked me how long I would stay there.
Direct: He said to me, " How did you do this?"
Indirect: He asked me how I had done this.
Direct: "why are you getting wet in the rain? Mother said.
Indirect: Mother asked why I was getting wet in the rain.
Direct: Akhi said to Mila, " How are you?"
Indirect: Akhi asked Mila how I was.

Imperative Sentence:
Reported speech এর অর্থ ও ভাব অনুয়ায়ী say/said এর পরিবর্তে order/ordered, command/commanded, request/requested, advice/adviced, beg/begged. tell/told ইত্যাদি বসে । হ্যাঁ বোধক বাক্যের ক্ষেত্রে Comma and inverted comma উটিয়ে to বসে এবং না বোধক বাক্যের ক্ষেত্রে not to. Please এর পরিবর্তে  Kindly এবং sir এর পরিবর্তে  Respectfully বসে।

Direct: He said, "write it."
Indirect: He ordered me to do it.
Direct: The teacher, " Never tell a lie."
Indirect: The teacher advised me not to tell a lie.
Direct: He said, "Help me."
Indirect: He requested to help him.
Direct: He said to them, " Friends, help me."
Indirect: Addressing them friends, he requested them to help him.

Structure: Subject+ propose/proposed + that +they/we +should+ reported speech  এর  মূল verb থেকে শেষ অংশ পর্যন্ত  ।
Direct: He said to me, " Let us go home together."
Indirect: He proposed to me that we should go home together.
Direct: Karim said to Asif, " Let us go to school."
Indirect: Karim proposed to Asif that we should go to school.
Let দ্বারা  প্রস্তাব না বুঝালে Letএর পরিবর্তে might/ might be allowed বসে।
Direct: The boy said, "Let me do it."
Indirect: The boy said that he might be allowed to do it.
Direct: Kamrul said to me, " Let him say whatever he likes."
Indirect: Kamrul told me that he might say whatever he liked.
Direct: He said, " Let me finish the work."
Indirect: He wished that he might finish the work.

Optative Sentence:
Structure: subject + wish/wished/pray/prayed +that+ reported speech এর subject +might+  মূল verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত অংশ ।

Direct: The teacher said to me, " May you cut a good figure in the examination."
Indirect: The teacher wished that I might cut a good figure in the examination.
Direct: We said, " Long live Bangladesh." 
Indirect: we prayed that Bangladesh might live long
বাক্যে good morning/good evening থাকলে say এর পরিবর্তে wish /wished, আবার good-bye, good-night থাকলে say এর পরিবর্তে bid/bade 
Direct: He said, 'Friends goodbye."
Indirect: He bade his friends goodbye.
Direct: The Teacher said, Students good morning."
Indirect: The teacher wished his students good morning.

Exclamatory Sentence:

Structure: Subject + exclaimed with joy/ exclaimed with sorrow( according to the meaning of reported speech) +that+ reported speech এর subject +past form of verb + very/ great+ adjective+ বাকি অংশ ।
Direct: He said, Hurrah! we have won the match.
Indirect: He exclaimed with joy that they had won the game.
Direct: He said, Alas! "I am undone"
Indirect: He exclaimed with sorrow that he was undone.
Direct: Loboni said, "what a fine bird it is."
Indirect: Loboni exclaimed in wonder that it was a very nice bird.

Note: what/ how দিয়ে বাক্য শুরু হলে এদের পরিবর্তে  noun হলে great  এবং adjective হলে very বসে।

Vocative case এর Narration: Narration এ কাউকে address করলে তাকে সম্বব হলে object এ নিয়ে আসা, তাকে বাদ দেওয়া, অথবা addressing দিয়ে বাক্য শুরু করা যেতে পারে।

Direct: He said, " Thanks, my friends"
Indirect: He thanked his friends.
Direct: He said, Friends, listen to me.
Indirect: Addressing them as his friends he requested them to listen to him.


A fruit seller, "which fruits do you want to buy?" "I have apples from Australia, oranges from Darjeeling, grapes from Kashmir." The customer said, " what fruits of our country do you have?" The fruit seller said, " I have coconut, guava, and jackfruit." The customer said, " Give one kg of guava as it will be the substitute for Australian apples."

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Narration/ Speech, Direct to Indirect Narration, Passage Narration for SSC and HSC EXAM


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