Pronoun reference, Unclear Pronoun exercise with Answer for HSC examination


A pronoun is a word that take the places of noun.

The noun that is replaced by a pronoun is called antecedent.

(Noun এর পরিবর্তে যেসব word ব্যবহৃত হয় তাকে pronoun বলে)

There are Eight kinds of pronoun:

1. Personal : I, we, you, he, she, they,it.

2. Demonstrative: This, These, that, those.

3.Reflexive : myself, yourself, ouirself, themselves, himself, herself.

4. Indefinite : One, someone, any, many, some, none etc.

5.Distributive : Each, either, neither, everyone. 

6.Reciprocal :Each other, one other, one another. 

7.Interrogative: who, which, whom what, when where etc. (Question mark should have finished the sentence) 

8. Relative: who, which, what (without qustion mark)

Unclear Pronoun:

Unclear Pronoun arrives when a pronoun could refer two or more than one antecedents. 

Example : The level of sea water i(antecedents 1) increasing due to global warming (antecedents 2). As it (pronoun) is entering the coastal area, salinity is increasing in those areas.

(What is entering the coastal area: sea water or global warming?)  Be clear.

HSC পরীক্ষাত্রীরা Unclear pronoun  এ question এ pronoun clear করা হচ্ছে এই  questions এর কাজ। এ প্রশ্নে কমপক্ষে ৫ টি pronoun -  clear করে সঠিক answer লিখতে হবে। সমস্ত passage  লিখে  যেখানে pronoun clear করা হবে সেখানে answer লিখে underlined করতে হবে। correct answer করার সময় মনে রাখতে হবে -

✅   দুটি বা তার অধিক noun  বা antecedents আসলে পরের pronoun কে পূর্বের যে noun কে বুঝাচ্চে কিনা সেই noun টি লিখতে হবে।

Example : A cook once roasted a duck for his master. He looked so delicious that he could not resist the temptation and ate up one of drumsticks.

Answer:  A cook once roasted a duck for his master. The roast looked so delicious that he could not resist the temptation and ate up one of drumsticks. 

এখানে,  বাক্যে  আমরা a cook, roasted, a duck, master চারটি antecedents পাই। পরের বাক্য pronoun 'he' কে clear করতে হবে। He looked so delicious. কোন ব্যক্তি সুস্বাদু হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা নাই। অর্থাৎ  cook এবং master হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা নাই। তাহলে  duck বা হাঁস রান্না ছাড়া সম্ভাবনা নাই। তাই roast হবে। কারণ roast এর স্বাদ পাওয়া সম্ভব। 

✅ Pronoun ভুল হলে সঠিক pronoun দিয়ে change করতে হবে।

Example : A begger is a person that begs from door to door.

Answer :A begger is a person who begs from door to door.

Beggar বলতে ভিক্ষুক অর্থাৎ ব্যক্তি বুঝাচ্ছে।  আমারা জানি ব্যক্তি হলে relative pronoun who,  বস্তু হলে which/ that, এবং জায়গা হলে where. বসে।

 Example : One which is honest should be respected by others.

Answer :One who is honest should be respected by others.

✅ demonstrative pronoun হলে প্রয়োজনে তার সাথে  noun লিখে pronoun clear করতে হবে।অথবা কোন noun উহ্য থাকে তাকে অর্থের সাথে মিল রেখে Noun লিখে clear করতে হবে।

Example : There are numerous food chains in an ecosystem. Food chain does not work in isolation.  These are linked together to form a food web.

Answer :There are numerous food chains in an ecosystem. Food chain does not work in isolation.  These food chains are linked together to form a food web.

Example : Rahman,  Zulfiqure and Zahid are close friends. They believe one another in all matters.  One day they sit together and discussed on their future plan.

 Answer : Rahman,  Zulfiqure and Zahid are close friends. They believe one another in all matters.  One day the three friends  sit together and discussed on their future plan. 

Model Question with Solution :

🔘 Identify the unclear pronoun reference in the following paragraph. Where necessary rewrite the sentence so that all pronoun reference are clear. 

There lived a man in a village which had a great attraction to English. He went to a teacher in order to learn English well he was dull headed. He tried his best to teach him but the man learnt only three English words- Yes, no, and very good. Though the man did not know the meaning of it. He used them frequently in his conversation. He did not understand that a little learning is a dangerous thing and very soon he would be a victim of it.

✅ Answer: There lived a man in a village who had a great attraction to English. The man went to a teacher in order to learn English well he was dull headed. The teacher  tried his best to teach him but the man learnt only three English words- Yes, no, and very good. Though the man did not know the meaning of these words. He used them frequently in his conversation. The man did not understand that a little learning is a dangerous thing and very soon he would be a victim of it.



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