Transformation of Sentence, Simple to Complex, Complex to Compound, Simple to Compound

Transformation of Sentence :

To Change the formation of sentences one to another without changing its meaning 

(অর্থের পরিবর্তন না ঘটিয়ে একটি Sentence কে একরূপ থেকে অন্যরূপে রূপান্তরিত করাকে Transformation (রূপান্তর) বলে। যেমন - নিচের পরিবর্তনগুলো Transformation

Simple <>Complex 

Simple <> Compound 

Complex <> Compound

যেহেতু Transformation of Sentence সকল Board & competitive Exam এর জন্য  গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। তাই বিস্তারিত আলোচনার পরিসর না বাড়িয়ে সহজে কিভাবে শিখা যায়, সেভাবে আলোচনা করার চেষ্টা করা হয়েছে।  আশা করি নিয়মগুলো অনুসরণ করে অনুশীলন করলে তোমাদের কোন সমস্যা হবে না।

Simple sentence (সরল  বাক্য): A single subject,  single verb, and a complete thought. 

Complex Sentence (জটিল বাক্য): at least one independent clause ( simple sentence) এবং one or more dependent clause.

Compound Sentence(যৌগিক বাক্য): It Connects Two independent clauses typicality with coordinating conjunction like and, or, but.

🔘 Rule-1:একই Subject বিশিষ্ট when/ as/ Since যুক্ত complex Sentence কে simple ও Compound করার নিয়ম। 

To  Identify (চিনার উপায়) 

Simple : verb + ing

Complex : When/As/ Since

Compound: and

Example :

 ➡️  Simpleকরার Structure :  (when/ as/ since উঠে যাবে )  Verb এর present  form+ing +  first clause এর কমা পর্যন্ত+ second Sentence. 

 ➡️Compound  করার Structure :  (when/ as/ since উঠে যাবে )    দুই Sentence এর মধ্যে অর্থাৎ কমা উঠিয়ে and বসাতে হবে।

Example :

▶️ Complex: When I saw the Lion, I ran away. 

⚕️ Simple: Seeing the Lion, I ran away.

এখানে আমি When বসালাম না। Verb saw এর present form see এবং তার সাথে  ing বসালাম তারপর বাকী অংশ যেভাবে ছিল সেভাবে লিখলাম। 

 ⚛️Compound: I saw the Lion and ran away.

এখানে আমি When বসালাম না। দুই Sentence এর মধ্যে  কমা উঠিয়ে and  লিখলাম. যেহেতু Subject এক তাই and এর পর subject লিখলাম না।

 ▶️As the boy wrote properly,  he got good marks in the examination. 

 ⚕️Writing properly,  The boy got good marks.

 ⚛️ The boy wrote properly and got good marks. 

 🔘  Rule-2: ভিন্ন Subject বিশিষ্ট when/ as/ Since যুক্ত complex Sentence কে simple ও Compound করার নিয়ম।

  ➡️Simpleকরার Structure :  (when/ as/ since উঠে যাবে)  am, is, are, was, were এর পরিবর্তে being এবং have, has had এর পরিবর্তে having + বাকী অংশ। 

Example : 

 ▶️ Complex: Since he was ill, we sent him to the hospital. 

 ⚕️ Simple: He being ill, we sent him to the hospital. 

 ⚛️ Compound: He was ill and we sent him to the hospital. 

 ▶️ Complex: As the rain had stopped. I went to College. 

 ⚕️ Simple: The rain having stopped,  I went to College. 

 ✡️ Compound; The rain had stopped and I went to College. 

 🔘Rule- 3:  when যুক্ত complex Sentence যখন ঋতু নির্দেশক তখন  simple ও Compound করার নিয়ম।

 ➡️  simple করার সময় during + ঋতুর নাম + বাকী অংশ। 

 ➡️ compound যথারিতী and 

Example : 

▶️ Complex: When it is the Winter season,  it assumes a terrible cold.

⚕️ Simple: During winter season,  it assumes a terrible shape.

✡️ Compound:  It is the winter season and it assumes a terrible shape. 

🔘Rule-4:  If  যুক্ত  হ্যাঁবোধক ( affirmative) complex Sentence কে simple ও Compound করার নিয়ম। 🔘

 ➡️ Simple: By + verb + ing + others (বাকী অংশ) 

 ➡️ Compound : and

Example : 

 ▶️ Complex: If you study hard,  you will shine in life.

 ⚕️ Simple: By studying hard, you will shine in life. 

 ✡️ Compound: Study hard and you will shine in life.

 ▶️ Complex: If you helped me, I would finish the work.

 ⚕️ Simple: By Helping me, I would finish the work.

 ⚛️ Compound: You helped me and I would finish the work.

 🔘 Rule- 5:  If  যুক্ত  না বোধক  ( Negative ) complex Sentence কে simple ও Compound করার নিয়ম। 

 ➡️  Simple : Without + verb + ing

 ➡️ Compound: Or

Example : 

 ▶️ Complex: If you don’t' Study hard, you will fail in the exam. 

 ⚕️ Simple: without studying hard, you will fail in the exam.

 ⚛️ Compound: Study hard or you will fail in the exam. 

 ▶️ Complex: If you don’t' go to College,  you will punish. 

 ⚕️ Simple: without going to College,  you will punish. 

 ⚛️ Compound: Go to College or you will punish. 

 🔘 Rule- 6 Though/ Although যুক্ত  complex Sentence কে simple ও Compound করার নিয়ম। 

To identify : 

Complex: Though /Although 

Simple: In spite of / despite 

Compound: but

 ➡️ Simple: In spite of/ despite + subject এর pronoun এর possessive case+ be verb হলে being, have has, had হলে having +  adjective হলে noun+ বাকী অংশ। 

 ➡️ Compound: but

Example : 

▶️ Complex: Though he is poor, he is honest.

⚕️Simple: Despite his honesty, he is poor.

✡️Compound : He is poor but honest.

▶️Complex: Though he was ill, he went to school. 

⚕️Simple: Inspite of being ill, he went to school.

✡️ Compound: He was ill but he went to school.

🔘 Rule- 7:  So that + Subject + can / could/may/might  + verb এর present form  যুক্ত complex Sentence কে simple ও Compound করার নিয়ম।

To Identify :

Complex : So that + subject + can/may/ could 

Simple: to + verb এর present form

Compound: and

➡️ Simple : so that এর স্থলে to + verb এর present form অর্থাৎ ( can / could /may/mightপর্যন্ত উঠে যাবে) 

 ➡️ Compound: and

Example : 

▶️ Complex: We eat so that we may live.

⚕️Simple: We eat to live.

✡️ Compound: We eat so that we may live.

🔘 Rule -8 : So.  ---- that + Subject + can not/ could not + verb এর present form  যুক্ত complex Sentence কে simple ও Compound করার নিয়ম। 

To Identify :

Complex : So ---that + Subject + cannot / may not/ could not

Simple : Too ---to + verb এর present form 

Compound : Very ----and

 ➡️ Simple: so এর জায়গায় too এবং that এর জায়গায়  to+ verb এর present form অর্থাৎ ( can not/ could not পর্যন্ত উঠে যাবে)

 ➡️ Compound : Very --- and + Sub + can not/ could not/ may not/ might not

 Example : 

▶️ Complex: He is so dishonest that he can not speak the truth.

⚕️Simple: He is too dishonest to speak the truth. 

⚛️ Compound: He is very dishonest and he can not speak the truth. 

▶️ Complex: Della was so poor tha she could not buy a gift for Jim.

⚕️: Simple: Della was too poor to buy a gift for Jim.

✡️ Compound: Della was very poor and She could not buy a gift for Jim.

🔘 Rule -9 : Subject + Relative Pronoun +  main verb যুক্ত  Complex Sentence কে simple এবং Compound করার নিয়ম। 

To identify :

Simple: Subject + Verb + ing + বাকী অংশ। 

Compound : and

Example :

▶️ Complex: People who live in villages are farmers. 

⚕️ Simple: People living in villages are farmers. 

✡️ Compound: people live in the village and they are farmers. 

▶️ Complex: People who live below the Poverty line lead miserable life. 

⚕️: People living below the poverty line lead miserable life. 

✡️ People live below the poverty line and they lead miserable life. 

🔘 Rule - 10:   Universal truth / Habitual fact  যুক্ত Complex Sentence কে simple এবং Compound করার নিয়ম। 

 To Identify :

Complex : It + be verb + Subject + Wh + be verb + object.

Simple : Subject + be verb + object

Compound : It + be verb + Subject + and + others

Example : 

⚕️ Simple : Health is wealth. 

▶️Complex : It is health which is wealth.

Compound: It is health and wealth.

⚕️ Simple: Cox's Bazar is the longest sea-beach in the world. 

▶️ Complex: It is Cox’s Bazar which is the longest sea beach in the world. 

✡️ Compound: It is Cox’s Bazar and the longest sea-beach in the world. 

⚕️Simple: Cricket is a very exciting game. 

▶️Complex: It is Cricket which is a very exciting game. 

✡️ Compound: It is cricket and a very exciting game. 

Transformation of Sentence, Simple to Complex, Complex to Compound, Simple to Compound

Also Read: Transformation of Sentence, Affirmative to Negative, Assertive to Interrogative, Assertive to Exclamatory 

Also Read: Degree, Transformation of Degrees, Superlative to Comparative & Positive 


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