Conditional Sentence & used of unless, In case, Provided, Provided that, Providing that for completing Sentence

 ইংরেজিতে অন্যান্য বিষয়গুলোর মত Conditional Sentence খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। বিশেষ করে SSC & HSC  পরীক্ষায় completing Sentence অংশে এখান থেকে প্রশ্ন আসবে। বিভিন্ন প্রতিযোগিতামূলক পরীক্ষায় কোন কথাই নেই ৷ University addmision test, Primary, PSC, BCS, BANK এ বিষয়টি খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। 

Example : What would have happened if the bridge had broken.  (27th BCS)

If I found him, I would tell the matter. (SSC Exam)

➡️ Structure -1: If যুক্ত clause টি   present Tense  হলে অপর clause টি হবে Present  বা Future.

1. If + subject + verb  এর  Present form হলে Subject + verb  এর  Present form/ will+ present form+ If যুক্ত বাক্যের সাথে মিলিয়ে অর্থপূন্য বাক্য গঠন করতে হবে।

  ▶️ Water boils if you heat it to 100℃

  ▶️ If the price is low, demand will increase. 

  ▶️ If a ruby is heated it will temporarily loose its colour.

➡️ Structure -2: If যুক্ত clause টি   past indefinite   হলে অপর clause টি হবে subject + would /could /might + verb  এর  present form.

Subject + would /could /might + verb (base form)+others 

  ▶️ If I were you, I would handle the situation.  more carefully. 

  ▶️ If you wanted,  I would help you.

  ▶️ If you went away now, your friends would miss you.

  ▶️ If I were a king, I would not know what sorrow are

➡️Structure -3: If যুক্ত clause টি   past perfect হলে অপর clause টি হবে -

Subject + would have/ could have/ might have + V.Past. participle+ others 

  ▶️ If I had known you were coming, I would have gone to the station. 

  ▶️ He would have come to see us if he had been able to

  ▶️ If he had invited me, I would have gone. 

  ▶️ If he had painted that picture, he would have signed his name in the corner.

. ▶️ If Napoleon had not invaded Russia, he would have conquered the rest of Europe. 

➡️Structure -4: were/ had + Subject+ others+ হলে অপর clause টি হবে -

Subject + would /could /might + verb  এর  present form+ others. 

. ▶️ Were they studious, they would obtain the degree.

  ▶️ Had I much money, I would buy a car.

➡️Structure -5:  Had + Subject+ Verb  এর P.P+ others হলে অপর clause টি হবে -

Subject + would /could /might + Verb  এর P.P+Others 

Had I realised how close I was to failing, I would not have gone to the party. 

➡️ Structure- 6: Unless/ যদি না---- 

Unless + subject + affirmative verb, subject + negative verb

Subject + verb+ unless  হলে subject + will/ shall/can+ verb  এর present form + others 

▶️ I cannot go unless I finish my work.

▶️ Unless I hurry, I will miss my train.

➡️ Structure - 7: In case / পাছে, সম্ভাবনা/ হতে পারে - না হতে ও পারে যদি (শর্তহীন) বুঝায়।

▶️ While going to School , take your Umbrella 

    in case it rains.

▶️ Give him a mobile number to ring in case he gets forget. 

➡️ Structure - 8: Provided / Provided that/ Providing that এর অর্থ হচ্ছে - যদি / এই শর্ত সাপেক্ষে যে/ এ ক্ষেত্রে।

▶️ He can lend you money provided you repay it in time.

▶️ He will success in life provided that he workd hard.

Exercise :

⚕️Had we reached station ----

⚕️If I had known her address ----

⚕️He would have been arrested ---

⚕️If the sun did not shine, ----

⚕️I would meet with you -----

⚕️ If you study well-----

⚕️If I were Millionaire, ----

⚕️If I had tried Again, -----

⚕️If I knew his mobile number, ----

⚕️He will shine in life provided that ----

⚕️Unless you hurry up----

⚕️Unless he gets up early in the morning, ---

⚕️Write down the address incase ----

Conditional Sentence & used of unless, In case, Provided, Provided that, Providing that for completing Sentence


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