Complete the Sentence with suitable phrases/Words

HSC ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রে খুব সহজে যে প্রশ্ন থেকে Mark obtain করা সম্ভব তা হচ্ছে complete the sentence with suitable phrases/ Words. এ প্রশ্নটি যেহেতু with clause থাকে অর্থাৎ box এ options দেওয়া থাকে সেহেতু কিছু important rules শিখলে সহজে বাছাই করে answer করা সহজ এবং full mark পাওয়া সহজ। 

  🔷 What if, what's it like, what does ---look like এর ব্যবহার।

উপরের তিনটি phrases এর শুরুতে  WH question  (what)আছে স্বাভাবিকভাবেই Sentence  টির শেষে (?) চিহ্ন থাকবে। এখন প্রশ্ন হচ্ছে  box এ তিনটি option বা অন্যান্য interrogative sentence থাকলে আমি একজন পরিক্ষাত্রী  হিসাবে কিভাবে বাছাই করব সে কৌশল ও এই phrases  গুলো নিয়ে আলোচনা করব।

 🔷What if  - কি হবে যদি তা হয়  (a hypnotical question) 

Question about something that could be happened in future.  Especially something had been bad.

Structure : what if + Subject + verb+ other শেষে (?) চিহ্ন থাকবে। 

 ▶️ I have to reach Dhaka by 3.00 pm. _ the train is late?

 ▶️ Sakib was asked to bring a ball. _ he forgets to bring it?

 🔷What's it like -  এটা কিসের মতো। 

Usually asking for a question has no information about the topic. Actually to get better idea about the topic. 

Structure : What's is like + verb + ing + others   শেষে (?) চিহ্ন থাকবে।

 ▶️ I have never travelled by air. _ flying in the sky?

 ▶️ _ swimming in the sea? It seems to be heroic to me?

 🔷What  does ---look like(এটা -- দেখতে কিসের মতো) 

Actually To ask about something. কোন বিষয়/ বস্তু  সম্পর্কে জানার জন্য ঐ বিষয় / বস্তুকে মধ্যখানে রেখে  প্রথম অংশে what does  এবং পরের অংশে look like ব্যাবহৃত 

Structure : What does + Noun+ look like + others শেষে (?) চিহ্ন থাকবে।

 ▶️ _ a dinosaur _? Have you ever seen it?

 ▶️ Akash : _ the frozen mountain peak _?

Let alone: (দূরের কথা/ তো দূরের কথা)

 ▶️Sentence  টি না বোধক হবে এবং Noun দিয়ে শেষ হবে।

(Sentence should be nagative and finished with a noun)

 ▶️(কমা হবে) fill in the blank  এর পূর্বে এবং fill in the blank এর পর আরেকটি Noun হবে যা fullfil করা পূর্বেরটার  চেয়ে কঠিন হবে

(This noun obviously hard to be fulfill desire)

Example : 

 ▶️He cannot buy a bicycle, let alone  a motorcycle. 

অর্থাৎ সে একটি বাইসাইকেল কিনতে পারে না  মোটর সাইকেল তো দূরের কথা।

💠এখানে Sentence এর প্রথম অংশ না বোধক এবং শূন্যস্থানের পূর্বে কমা আছে,  তার পর আরেকটি  Noun মোটর সাইকেল আছে।  এ ক্ষেত্রে fill in the blank এ let alone  বসে। 

 ▶️ Tamim does not know the name of the book, _ its content. 

 ▶️ She can't walk one kilometre, _ five kilometers. 

➡️ Had better,  Have to/ has to/ Had to  এর ব্যবহার-

 🔷 Had better

✅ It is semi - model verb, generally used to give explicit / powerful / strong advice. 

✅ If you don’t' follow this advice,  there is risk/ threat of danger.

সাধারণত আমরা যখন কোন কিছুর জন্য পরামর্শ দেই বা সতর্ক করি তখন had better ব্যবহার করি।

Example :

▶️ We _ post postpone the match. The weather is very rough today.

▶️  The is getting dark.  You _ carry an umbrella. 

🔷 Have to :

✅ It is model verb,  generally used to mandatory advice, obligations & rules.

কোন কিছু করার বাধ্যবাধকতা এবং সম্পূর্ণ নিচ্ছিত হওয়ার অবস্থা বা প্রয়োজনীয়তা।

Example : 

▶️ The answer has to be correct. (Certainty) 

▶️ We have to hospitalized him to save his life.

▶️  You are getting bulky day by day. You have to take physical exercise regularly. 

🔷 Would rather:

✅ Would rather means prefer/ preference between two task/things. 

✅ সাধারণত would rather এর verb এর present form হয়। এবং তারপর  than বসে।

Example :

 ▶️ Karim _  die than beg.

 ▶️ I _ walk home than take a rickshaw. The road is jam packed. 

 ▶️ Tanjila _ remain a maid for ever than marry you.

🔷 As if ( more hyphothical proposition) যেন।

🔷 As though ( more plausible suggestion) যেন

✅ It is used to talking about an imaginary situation. 

✅ It is also called Unreal truth. 

 🔘 Structure : Present = Past

▶️ He speaks as if he were a mad.

এখানে He speaks (present indefinite) এবং he were a mad (past indefinite) সে কথা বলে যেন সে একজন পাগল। কিন্তু সত্যিকারের পাগল নয়। হয়ত কথা বলার অংশটা পাগলের মত। so unreal truth তাই দুই sentence এর মধ্যখানে as if বসছে। 

 🔘 Past = Past perfect. 

▶️  He pretended as though he had known everything. 

এখানে প্রথম বাক্য past indefinite এবং দ্বিতীয় বাক্য past perfect তাই মধ্যে খানে  as though বসেছে।

 ➡️As soon as: যত দূর সম্ভব / যত তাড়াতাড়ি সম্ভব,  তৎক্ষনাৎ এরূপ অর্থ প্রকাশ করতে এ phrase ব্যবহৃত হয়।

✅ something happens immediately,  shortly after another action is completed.

✅ It is used as a conjunction in a middle of two sentence. 

✅ It is also used at the beginning one action is completed and another action is immediately happened or began.

Example :

▶️ The news Spread all around as soon as it happened. It was very tragic event.

▶️ I'll inform you of the matter as soon as I know about it.

▶️ We rushed to the spot  as soon as the accident took place.

🔷Introductory -  It,  There এর ব্যবহার :

It এবং there সাধারণত sentence এর শুরুতে subject হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

✅ 'It' is a pronoun for an object. You can also use as a name.

✅ 'It' is generally used both subject and object.

✅ 'There' is mainly about a place. Telling you where something is. 

✅ To say something that a thing is exists.

✅ It is also generally used both subject and object. 

☑️ There _ singular হলে is, was হয়  tense অনুসারে। 

☑️ There _ plural হলে are, were  হয় tense অনুসারে। 

Example :

▶️ There is a lot of rain in Sreemongal.

▶️ There are many people living the below the poverty line.

▶️ There is a long way. We have to take a taxi.

🔷 Was born 

This phrase is generally used in passive without using by.

(মাতৃগর্ভ থেকে পৃথিবীতে ভূমিষ্ট হওয়া) এই expression টি  বোঝানোর জন্য was born ব্যবহৃত হয়।

Example :

▶️ Akram was born in blind

▶️ My mother was twenty when I was born.

▶️  Begum Rokeya was born into an educated family. She is regarded as the pioneer of female education in Bangladesh. 

▶️ John Milton was a poet of versatile genius. He was born in 1608 in England. 

🔷 Would you mind ( কিছু মন করবেন কি?) 

অধিকতর বিনয়ের সাথে ও সৌজন্যপূর্ণভাবে কাউকে কোন কিছু অনুরোধ করতে Interrogative sentence এ, would you mind ব্যবহার হয়।

Example : 

▶️  would you mind Visiting our village home during winter vacation. 

▶️ would you mind having a meal with us.

🔷 It is high time

We use a subjunctive past tense or past form of a verb to complete the construction except to be.

Structure :It is high time + subject + verb এর past form+ others. 

Example :

▶️ It is high time we changed our behaviour. 

▶️ Nobody likes you here. _ you left this place.

  🔷 The older ----the more

মূলত,  কার্যকরণ সম্পর্কযুক্ত দুটি বিষয়ের বিশেষত adjective এবং adverb এর তারতম্য ঘটিত পারস্পরিক পরিবর্তন বা প্রতিক্রিয়া বুঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়। Example :

▶️ The closer the bone,  the more the meat.

▶️ The more you experience, The more you will be intelligent. 

▶️ The older he gets,  the more he looks like him.

Exercise :

1. Question: Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box.

Had better

Let alone


What’s it like

was born

As soon as

What if

Have to

As though 

Would rather

(a) I could not remember the title of the book, _ the details of the story. I read it many years ago.

(b) Once _ lived two blind beggars in Rome. One of them begged for Allah's mercy but the other begged for the King's mercy.

(c) The bomb exploded _ we came out of the house.  Thanks Allah we could save ourselves.

(d) _ living on a tree? Some tribal people do it to protect themselves  from wild animals. 

(e) She proceeded _  I had not spoken.  She was very energetic.

(f) _ I come tomorrow instead of this afternoon?  I am very busy now.

(g) The children _ be in bed by nine. Their schools very early.

(h) They _ start for the Kamalapur station just now. Otherwise they miss the train

(i) Kazi Nazrul Islam _ in 1899. He was called rebel poet of Bangladesh. 

(j) Nisrin _ resign the job than face gender discrimination in the work place.  She always speaks against gender disparity. 

Answer in comment box



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