Preposition, Appropriate Preposition for Bank, BCS, & Board Examination

 Preposition : যে word Noun বা Pronoun এর পূর্বে বসে বাক্যের অন্য পদের সঙ্গে সম্বন্ধ প্রকাশ করে তাকে Preposition বলে। Preposition এর পরে ব্যবহৃত Noun বা Pronoun কে Preposition এর object বলে। যেমনঃ Akash is in the meeting. Here, 'in' is preposition and his office হলো object.

Classification  of Preposition

Simple:  In, on, at, from, after, with, to, up & so on.

Double: into, without, up to, within, etc.

Compound:  Beside, between,behind,along,about,below,before,across

Participle: Regarding, considering, relating, owing, pending, respecting

Phrase: by dint of, instead of, in place of, on account of, etc.

Disguised: It is ten O'clock (Here ‘O’ is a short sign ‘Off’).

Mostly Used Preposition:

At, Across, Around, Among, Along, After, Above, About, Against

By, But, Beyond, Between, Beside, Beneath, Below, Behind, Before, But

Down, For, From, In, Into, Inside, of, Off, On

Through, Throughout, Till, To, Towards, Under, Upon, Up, Until

With, Within, Without.

Different Use of Preposition: 


 (ইতিবাচক অবস্থান বা গন্তব্যের ক্ষেত্রে) 

away,from,off,out,of etc.

(উৎস বা নেতিবাচক অবস্থান বোঝাতে) 


(পারস্পরিক অবস্থান বোঝাতে) 


(দূরত্ব মূলক অবস্থান বোঝাতে) 

from, out,of, etc 

(কোন কিছু হতে বা ফলশ্রুত অর্থে)

at,in,on,by etc 

(সময় প্রকাশে)

for,during,over,through,throughout,up to. 


(স্থায়িত্ব বোঝাতে


 (উদ্দেশ্য বা গন্তব্যে বুঝাতে) 

at,towards,for etc. 

(লক্ষ বোঝাতে) 

by, with, without, etc.

(উপায় বোঝাতে) 

with, together with, etc.

 (সাথে বোঝাতে) 

for, with, against, etc 

(সমথর্ন বা বিরোধিতা জ্ঞাপনে)

at, to, etc.

 (প্রতিক্রিয়া বোঝাতে) 

Most Important Appropriate Preposition ( Example from all BCS)


What are you so angry _

He fantasized _ winning the lottery

I will see _ the problem tomorrow.

Momena's is careful _ her ornaments.

Do not quarrel _  this issue

He is suspected _  receiving stolen goods.

Who are you talking _

This is the book I was telling you _


I have no prejudice - her.

Lean the ladder - wall.

Can you think - a better solution.

They rebel _ frivolities.


When they had their first child, they put _ large sum for his education.


I am good _ translation.

Are you doing anything special _ the weekend?

I am not bad _ tennis 

He called on me _ my residence 

The boy is good _ mathmatics

We have not got arrived _ any decision.

It is bad Psychology to laugh _ children.

Our journel aims _ having least ten thousand readers next years.


The tree has been blown _ by the strong wind.

The principal gave _ the prize.

Water eats _ irons.


He does not leave his house _ 9 O'clock.


He divided the money _ the two childern.

The incident happened _ five and six o'clock in the morning.


The intellectual can no longer be said to live _ the margins of society.


Mr. Asad has houses _ in the city and in the village.


All is lost _ honor.


 I should appreciate it if you could complete the work _ Thurshday

 what is the time _ your watch

 We went _ boat to Sylhet.

Yesterday I came _ to an old friend.

I will have finished _ the time you get back.


Luna has cut _ her budget.


 Julia has been ill _ three months

He sent me a cheque _ T.K 5000

He has paid the penalty _ his crimes with five years in prison.

I do not care _ you.

They blamed me _ their sufferings.

 Did Kamal care _ living in the country.

He has little thirst _ knowledge.

He has reputation _ honesty

He is intended _ visiting Germany. 

His illness is a mere pretext _ his absence.

Only graduates are eligible _ the post.

He is sitting _ examination this year. 

He never pays _ his accommodation.

Jalal asked me _ a loan of TK 500.

He looked, as he had not slept _ week 

There must be some remedy _ corruption.

The ticket is valid _ six months

Nothing can compensate _ this kind of loss. 

Is he competent _ the work? 

How do you account _ this change?


The man died _ over eating

He parted _ his friends in tears

He was reverted _ his former post

Do not try to divert the man _ this purpose

The student was exemted _ paying his fees.


Hurry up ! we have to go _ five minutes.

My brother has no interest _ music.

The young man was dressed _ silk.

I want to live _ peace with you.

Don't be poor _ spirit

Don't be  _ such a bad mood

She said nothing _ reply.

You have no experience _ this matter.

I have no confidence _ him

_  course of time he became a famous man.

Don't be _ such a hurry.


Some writers sink _ oblivion in course of time.

The police is looking _ the case.

We have recently entered  _ an agreement with the England Co-operative Society.

I can not lower myself _such manners.

I ran _ my friend at the airport.

You will get _ trouble if you do not mend yourself.

In contrast to

_ his earlier study, the professor's new study indicates a general warning trend in global weather.


A woman's work is _ done


Your conduct admits _ no excuse.

He is devoid _ commonsense.

He has assured me _ safety.

He is jealous _ my fame.

The judge acquitted him _ the charge.

I resigned myself _ fate.

I suspect him _ treachery.

He was sick _ the whole business.

He mentioned all _ problems at the beginning.

His book treats _ music.

I was ignorant _ the plan.

Napolean had a genius _ military tactics.

Your small money was _ great help to me.

The public should be tolerant _ criticism

The dignity _occasion was spoilt.

Here is our file _ the company's past history.

He is aware _ all that you have done.

I hope you are not envious _ my success.

He is incapable _ forming lasting friendships.

He has accused _ a crime which he did not commit.

He has convicted _ Mr. Khan's innocent.

As he reached 18. the boy becomes independent _ his father.

The mother was proud _ her son

We are still short _ the fund.

She was oblivious _ the presence of her friend.


They had to call _ the match as the ground was wet.

He went to the airport to see _ his uncle

The thief made _ with the cash.

Better write _ his debts.


He took her _ a spy.

My father insisted_ my going to Chittagong. 

He called _me at my residence. 

Excuse me for trespassing _ your time.

Don’t dwel _past mistakes.

He reposed _bed for some time.

Your dependency _ him in this matter will not be good for you.

The market place is _ fire.

They live - catching fish. 

He gets _ well with his colleagues. 

The course of action was decided _ at the meeting.

Please Call _ Mr.Khan tomorrow morning. 

We congratulate the players _ their success. 

Don’t insist _an answer. 

A new tex was imposed _ cigarette. 


Noureen will discuss the issue with Nasir _ phone. 

Rizvi requested Rini _ telephone to attend the meeting. 


The lights have been blown _ by the strong wind.

I cannot make out_ what he says.


He has been ill _ Friday last.


Wordsworth introduced the readers _ a new kind of poetry. 

Many prefer donating money _ distribution clothes. 

There is no alternative _ training. 

Government has been entrusted _ elected politicians. 

I am opposed _ your proposal. 

He is cordial _ Rahim.

The soil of Comilla is favourable _ roses.

The broader kept the cabin key_ the hotel Manager. 

His words are suspectable _ flattery.

He jumped _ a conclusion not warrented by facts.

Contrary _ our expectations. He failed in the examination. 

You must conform _ the regulation.

Examination acts as an incentive _ diligence. 

Never do anything that is not comparable _ public safety.

We should live is a style suited _ our condition. 

Your contribution _ the welfare of the society was appreciated.

He was too poor _ neglect the offer.

The plate was too hot _ touch.

I found out where _ buy fruits cheaply.

Early rising is beneficial _ health. 

There is no exception _ this rule.

I am not suspectable _ hypnotic influence. 

The curse _ poverty destroy the will power of poor.

No country should yields _ foreign pressure. 

Your answer is not relevant _ the questions. 

We are always anxious _ buy the best products in the market. 

Public servent should be answerable _ the people. 

I am indebted _ my father for supporting my Venture. 

Have you time to listen _ my story?

I will see _ it that you get home all right. 

Do you adhere _ a special political opinions? 


He will set _ a shop the end of this year.

Can you look _ a word in your dictionary. 

I am going to  put _ with any more interruption.


Do not look down _ the poor.

I count _ your help. 

Alcohols  tells _ your health.

We urged _ him to consider it.

The teacher impress _ us the value of discipline. 

Toma hit _ an excellent idea.


I finally killed the fly _ a rolled up newspaper. 

The Children were interested _ the care of their uncle. 

She argued _ about the marriage. 

Now a days many villages are lit _ electricity. 

The Potter was overwhelmed _ wonder.

What is the matter _ him that he is often late.

He is too miserly to part _ his money. 

His friend is still angry _ her.

Will you share your business _ me?

The house is infected _ rats.

Can you cope _ your problems. 

She cannot adapt herself _ new situations. 

No preposition 

The wall of our house have been painted _green

Basic Difference among different prepositions:

Use of -through, along, to, towards 

Through-   কোন কিছুর ভেতর দিয়ে -  Look through the window. 

Along. -  কোন কিছুর বরাবর - walk along the field. 

To- কোন কিছু পর্যন্ত - walk to the garden.

Towards- কোন কিছুর দিকে - He is going towards school to watch a game.

Use of - In, into, across 

In -    স্থিতিশীল অবস্থা -  Students are in the class.

Into- গতিশীল বা রূপান্তরিত হওয়া - Don't run into the running train. 

Water has turned into ice

Across -  আড়াআড়ি ভাবে -  Do walk across the vegetable garden. 

Use of against

Against - কোন কিছু স্পর্শ করে থাকা - Put the bicycle against the wall.

Use of-  Out,  outside, out of, throughout 

out- দূরে কোথাও- let us go out for a walk.

Outside - বাহিরের কাছাকাছি জায়গা - Go outside if you want to smoke. 

Out of - নিদিষ্ট স্থান হতে বের হয়ে যাওয়া - we came out of the classroom.

Throughout - ধরিয়া /ব্যাপিয়া-  It rains throughout the years. 

Use of - in, on, to

In - সীমার মধ্যে,  on - সীমার উপরে, to- সীমার বাইরে

Rangpur is in the North of Bangladesh. 

Sylhet is on the Surma.

The Bay of Bengal is to the South of Bangladesh. 

Ago- বর্তমান থেকে অতীত 

Before- বর্তমান থেকে অতীত এবং অতীত থেকে আরও অতীতকে নির্দেশ করে। 

He came here 10 years ago

He came here three times before his death.

Use of - of, off

Of- উদ্ভৃত, মালিকানা,ও উপকরণ অর্থ প্রকাশ করে। 

off- দূরে ও বিচ্ছিন্ন অর্থ প্রকাশ করে। 

Of - He came of a rich family. 

Off- Switch the light off.

Use of - by, with

By - ব্যক্তি মাধ্যম 

With- বস্তু মাধ্যম 

The story is written by me.

This picture is drawing with a pencil. 

Use of - beside, besides, Except 

Beside- পাশে 

Besides - আরও, সহ, ছাড়া 

Except -  ব্যতিরেকে

Beside- Sit beside me

Besides - I have another pant besides this.

Except - I have not any pen except this.

Use of - over

Over:  উচুঁ কিছু পার হওয়া যার মধ্যে গতি থাকে। 

Over: বয়স, গতি

Over: আবৃত করা / ঢেকে রাখা

The theif jumped over the fence. 

You have to be over 18 to see this film.

Don’t drive over 50 miles.

He puts on a coat over his pajamas.

The water came up over our knee.

Use of : On, Upon, over, above up(উপরে),  down - নিচে। 

On:  কোন কিছু ছুঁয়ে/ উপরে স্থিতিশীল। 

Upon: গতিশীল / ক্রীয়াশীল।

Over: কোন কিছু না ছুঁয়ে একটু উপরে।

Above: কোন কিছু না ছুঁয়ে অনেক উপরে।

Up: নিচ থেকে উপরে।

Down: উপর থেকে নিচে। 

The book is on the table.

The cat sprang upon the rat.

The plain is flying over the Ocean. 

The sky is above our heads.

Go up the hill.

Go down the hill. 

Between- দুই এর মধ্যে বসে। পৃথক ব্যক্তি, বস্তু, স্থানের ক্ষেত্রে বসে।

Among - দুই এর অধিক হলে বসে। সমজাতীয় ব্যক্তি, বস্তু ও স্থানের সমষ্টি বা দল বোঝাতে।

He was standing between Tanjina and Suma.

Our house is among trees.

Use of - In time,  On-time

In time- নির্ধারিত সময়ের পূর্বে

On time- নির্ধারিত সময়ে। 

In time -I reached the office in time.

On-time-  The plane left on time.

Use of - For/ since/ from

For/ since Perfect Tense এ ব্যবহৃত হয়।

For:  দিন, মাস, বছরের পূর্বে সংখাবাচক শব্দ থাকলে বা সময়ের মোট পরিমাণ বোঝালে বা কাজটি কতক্ষণ ধরে হচ্ছে বা হচ্ছিল বুঝালে।  বাংলা ক্রিয়ার শেষে ধরিয়া বা যাবৎ থাকলে For ব্যবহৃত হয়।

I have been in Sylhet for 5 years

Since: দিন, মাস, বছরের পূর্বে সংখাবাচক শব্দ না থাকলে বা  কাজটি কখন  থেকে শুরু হয়েছে এমন প্রশ্ন করলে বা বাংলা ক্রিয়ার শেষ হতে বা থেকে থাকলে since বসে। 

It has been raining since morning.

Code: Love Language & Learn English 

Preposition, Appropriate Preposition for Bank, BCS, & Board Examination



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