Special Titles of Some Literary Persons

Writers & Their Special Titles Venerable Bade - Father of English Learning. Alfred the Great - The Founder of English Prose. Chaucer - Father of English poetry. John Wycliff - Father of English Prose. Sir Thomas Wyatt - First sonneteer in English Literature. Edmund Spenser- The poet of poet. William Shakespeare - Bard of Avon. Ben Jonson - Comedy of Humours John Donne - Poet of love/ Metaphysical Poet. John Milton - Epic poet / The great master of verse. John Dryden - Father of English Criticism. Alexander Pope - Mock Heroic Poet. Henry Fielding - Father of English Novel. William Wordsworth - Poet of Nature, Lake Poet,Poet of Children. S T Coleridge - Poet of Supernaturalism, Opium Eater. Lord Byron - Rebel Poet. P B Shelley- Revolutionary Poet, Poet of Hope & Regeneration. John Keats- Poet of Beauty. George Bernard Shaw - The greatest Modern Dramatists. Sigmund Freud - A great Psychoanalyst. Jane Austen- Anti-romantic...